Journal Policy

Policy & Ethics of JSCET

The publishing of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is a critical component in the formation of a cohesive and well-respected knowledge network. It is a direct reflection of the author’s and institutions’ level of work. Articles that have been peer-reviewed support and embody the scientific process. As a result, it’s critical to agree on ethical expectations.

Ethics topics to consider when publishing:

Authorship of the paper: Only individuals who made a major contribution to the study’s conception, design, implementation, or interpretation should be listed as authors.

Originality and plagiarism: The writers should make sure that their works are wholly unique, and that if they have used the work and/or words of others, they have properly cited or referenced them.

Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication: In general, authors should not publish manuscripts that describe essentially the same study in multiple journals or major publications. JSCET does not consider the use of the following works to be prior publications. Publishing as a scientific study; Publishing as an electronic preprint. Note: The titles and journals of some companies that conduct double-blind reviews have different pre-publishing guidelines. Pre-publishing information is included in the authoring guide for JSCET journal.

Acknowledgement of sources: Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given.

Fundamental errors in published works: If an author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in his publication, he is obliged to immediately notify the editor of the journal or publisher and work with the editor to withdraw or correct the contribution.